04 September 2014

Subjects and Predicates

We've been reviewing subjects and predicates over the last few days and my kids have struggled with knowing the difference.  Some kids have understood the difference between the two, but are having a hard time identifying the whole subject and predicate.  They are just picking out a word when really a few words are making up the subject or the predicate.  So, here's how I decided to reteach/review subjects and predicates...
First, we watched a Brainpop Video on Subjects and Predicates.  There's just something special about Tim and Moby explaining something.  Kids just listen :-).
Then, we worked on a Subject and Predicate Sort from Jill Gribbin's TPT Store.  Check it out here.

My students worked on this with their table group and had a blast deciding where each part of the sentence should go.
Lastly, we completed Subjects and Predicates Around the Room. This was our first Around the Room Activity of the year.  Unfortunately we were so busy with the activity that I didn't get a chance to take any pictures, but I've posted a few below of the actual freebie so you can check it out.

The Subjects and Predicates Around the Room is now in my TPT store as a freebie - be sure to download it here!
Thanks for stopping by to see how we worked on subjects and predicates!

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