02 August 2014

August Currently

Okay, so summer went by WAY TOO FAST!  I can't believe I start new teacher training at my new school on Wednesday and the kids come August 18 and that August is already here.  I feel like it was just June 6 and summer was just beginning.
Anyways...I'm linking up with Farley for August Currently.  Be sure to link up here.

Listening - after the craziness of moving yesterday and how busy summer has been silence can be so nice :-).

Loving - My fiancĂ© and I just moved into our new apartment yesterday.  And, it is brand new - we are the first ones to live in it! I love it!

Thinking - With moving and wedding planning going on, I haven't gotten as much done as usual on my BTS to do list. So as I lay in bed at night anxiously unable to sleep that to do list churns through my head.

Wanting - more time! I know we always want more time, but man where did summer go? I want a few more pool days...

Needing - So, I have a lot of stuff. And, I mean a lot of stuff. Not just classroom stuff, but personal life stuff too. My fiancĂ© fully realized how much stuff I had yesterday while moving and compared to his move-in boxes - it's a lot lol.  So, he's done unpacking, but I still have more stuff to go through :-).

 1st Day - I'm back August 6 since I'm new to this school so I get to do new teacher training again. I'm very excited for a new school year and a fresh start!

Kids- August 18

Be sure to link up with Farley above!
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  1. Your Currently is just like mine! Haha. I also just moved a few days ago and it's nice to be settled in. However, with school, there is just so much going on. Just remember that everything will get done. It always does. Congrats on your upcoming wedding!

    1. Thanks! I know - lots of things in common! Who doesn't find moving fun in the middle of all the back to school fun too...lol.

      Team V's Second Grade Fun

  2. Wow! I couldn't imagine having to move. I would have so much stuff. My daughter just moved across the country to Oregon, and worked so hard. I could't imagine moving stuff after being here 20 years.

    Good luck with the new school. That is exciting.

    1. Thanks Sara! Yes, the moving wasn't fun, but being in a new place is so I guess there's always a trade off. Hope you have a good start to your school year!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun

  3. Love your currently! I know what you mean about the beautiful sound of "silence".
