07 July 2014

Monday Made It - July 7

I'm linking up with Fourth Grade Frolics for another Monday Made It. Be sure to link up here!
So, I've finally made the teacher toolbox.  And, let me tell you - it wasn't as hard as I'd thought it would be.  Once I got the paper size figure out it went pretty quickly and was fun to make.  Here's how I did it...
First, I purchased the toolbox from Lowe's. It was $20.  They had two different versions. I decided to go with the one with larger drawers so I could fit more in them.
Then, I picked out my paper. I wanted to go with three colors since there were 3 drawers in each row. I wanted bright, but not too busy so I went with these three below.
Next, I cut the pages. It ended up roughly being 2.25 (a little less) by 4.25.  And, I say roughly. I ended up tweaking them after I cut them to the measurement above. It was a bit of trial and error, but at least I had a general guideline to start with.
Then, I made my labels. I used regular address size Avery labels and then trimmed them.  I decided to make two for - binder clips, index cards, sharpies, and large post-its (I have lots of all of these).  I then made one drawer for each of the following - staples, push pins, paper clips, small post-its, timers, hole punch, glue sticks, tape, and rubber bands.
Last, but not least I put it all together. I used double stick tape to stick the paper inside the drawer.  Now, this is the part that takes the longest.  Some of them fit well, but others once I set them in there were crooked and took a little adjusting. I did find that the double stick tape made it possible to move them a time or two, however it did ruin the paper of one or two of them so I ended up making a few new ones.

A few zoomed in shots...

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to link up for Monday Made It!

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  1. Your toolbox turned out great! My teacher toolbox is one of my all time favorite Made Its. Enjoy!

    Fit to be Fourth

    1. Thanks Mary! I'm excited to use it in the classroom in August!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun

  2. do markers and pens fit or do you have to put them diagonally?
