15 May 2014

Pinspired Thursday

I'm linking up with Mrs. H over at Just a Primary Girl for Pinspired Thursday.  I'm a Pinterest addict so I can't wait to share the new pins I want to try this summer and also link up to see other ideas! Be sure to link up here.
Here is one Pinterest summer project for my to do list...
I finally found a cute way to post my objectives!!! Objectives clearly posted for each subject.. not that kinders can read the daily objectives but at least the admins would be pleased to see them displayed
My school uses essential questions and would like them posted so students can always see them.  I love this idea of using frames for objectives that Doodling in 6th Grade came up with. I'm thinking instead of writing the objectives on them, I could write the essential questions.   Provides a cute easy way to display them and it's crafty-ish.  She even has ideas of where to get the frames on her site.
This is project number 1 for the summer. I will probably add a million more to that list by the time summer begins...but hey, that's what the two months off are for....right???
Happy almost weekend! 12 school days to go for me! 


  1. Love that idea! We have to post objectives and questions. Right now I just use plastic page protectors but I may try this too! I'm looking forward to seeing how your project turns out. It would be great if you linked up again with the finished project!

    1. Miss 27,
      Great idea! When I get this project finished, I'll definitely post a follow up with the finished product!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun
