20 April 2014

Wow!!! Quick Catch-Up

Well...I had no idea it's been almost a month since my last post, but it doesn't surprise me.  March and April have been super busy months. 

In addition to birthday celebrations at the end of March, I went to New York City the first week of April to watch and support my fiancĂ©'s basketball team as they played in the National High School Tournament.  What a fun event! They made it to the Final Four and I was so proud of all the coaches and players - they left it all out on the floor!

After New York, there was only one week before spring break, which was this last week.  Why does Spring Break or really any break seem to fly by, but a regular school week seems to go at a snail's pace?  Well, spring break saw us traveling again as we went to Arizona to check out wedding venues.  We stayed at Arizona Grand Resort, which is a beautiful, fun resort that I highly recommend for anyone going to Phoenix.  Wedding venue decision coming soon...

School has been super busy as well. It was state testing time and although my second graders do not take state tests, they have been busy with their monthly eValuate test.  I was so proud to see a 10% growth in math from March to April and a 13% growth in ELA.  They have been working so hard.

Anyways....enough for now. Just wanted to do a quick catch-up to explain my absence.  Lots of ideas, blog posts, and new TPT products coming soon....

Hope everyone had a nice Easter!

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