21 April 2014


One thing I noticed this year that I hadn't seen before, is that my students have struggled with contractions.  Not only did they not know what word made up a contraction, they didn't understand what it was, and couldn't read them either. They often guessed on contractions or ended up saying the two words that made it up - or the two words that they thought made it up.

So....on to contraction practice.

We started by watching a Brainpop Jr video about contractions. Brainpop is a great way to introduce or review concepts.  Gives kids a chance to hear the same information you are telling them, but from fun, animated characters.

After watching Brainpop, we created this anchor chart to show what a contraction was and to also list examples. They helped me put this chart together.

Next, we played Contraction Memory. This game can be found in my new TPT pack called Contraction Action.

Here are some pictures of the kids in action - sorry it's turned weird....

Next, they completed Contractions Around the Room, which is also in my new TPT Pack.  I love Around the Room - gets them up and moving and they find it entertaining since they're not just sitting there.

We then did I Have, Who Has - also in my packet, but I didn't get a chance to get pictures since I was playing too.  Be sure to check out my new TPT packet- Contraction Action in my TPT Store.

Contraction Action
Hope everyone had a good Monday!


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