23 November 2013

Five for Friday...well Saturday

I've seen this awesome Five for Friday linky party and been meaning to join it, but I can't seem to get my act together on Fridays.  So, this week instead of Five for Friday....we'll call it Five for Saturday.  I'll try to be more on time next week :-).  Join in on the Linky Party fun with Doodle Bugs Five For Friday.

Best Homework Response Ever! We asked the kids to write about where they live and give details/facts.  This student wrote, " I live in Las Vegas.  It is the city of sin."  Too funny!

So, I'm in a portable at my school and the heating/AC doesn't work at night and it turns on every morning when you walk in...or so I thought.  So, every morning it takes awhile/2 hours to warm up.  Only problem was Friday it just never warmed up.  Apparently the heater is broken and finally by 3:00 it was 66 degrees, but for most of the day we were hovering around 59.  No heat, in a portable, on a rainy day = no fun.  But, we made the best of it wearing our winter coats while we worked.

Back to the rainy day on Friday in my number 2.  Rainy day =  no recess = cold kids and restless kids.  So, for our indoor recess - we did a Thanksgiving Deskercise video.  I love these videos - great way to get the kids moving all while they're learning facts at the same time.

The last 2 weeks we've been working our way through 1st Grade is WienerFUL's Turkeys and Thanksgiving packet on TPT.  She has great ideas and lots of great resources for informational text reading and writing and additional Thanksgiving activities.  On Friday, we read the book The Pilgrim's First Thanksgiving and filled out her Thanksgiving tree map and then wrote All About The First Thanksgiving. Check out her awesome packet here...

 We also read the book Turkey Trouble this week.  It is about a turkey that doesn't want to be eaten on Thanksgiving so he tries to disguise himself as different animals that won't get eaten.  It's a pretty cute story with a funny ending that my students loved.  After reading it, we then wrote about what we would disguise a turkey as so it wouldn't be eaten.  Their responses were so cute! Some students chose animals - cat, dog, duck, etc and then the few I posted below chose the Hulk, Spiderman, and a ninja.  Great creative writing response to a fun book!

Thanks for checking out my Five for Friday/Saturday.  Be sure to link up here...



  1. AWWWWWWW! I just saw this post! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for mentioning my packet. YOU ARE TOO SWEET! :o)

    Brenna at 1st Grade is WienerFUL!

    1. You are welcome! The kiddos loved it so I had to share! Hope you had a great Winter Break!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun
