08 August 2017

How I use IPEVO In My Classroom

I was very lucky at past schools to have a document camera and a Smart Board. At my current school, when I first arrived we didn't have either. We did have a projector, an awesome Mac Computer, and an iPad. I could live without a Smart Board, but the whole not having a document camera threw me.  I was used to being able to project worksheets, projects, activities, etc up on the board so students could see exactly what it was like. It was weird not being able to do that.  But, two technology pieces came to the rescue (well three if you include the iPad I already had) - the Just Stand and the app IPEVO.

Image result for ipevo app

With the app IPEVO, the stand, and my iPad, I now had the makings of a document camera. The Just Stand is amazing!  You can move it, turn it, etc, but I tend to keep it level and use it only as a document camera. My iPad fits in the top and using the camera or the IPEVO app you can project whatever is below it.

Here my student is projecting her story on the board using the Just Stand, app IPEVO on camera mode, and the iPad.

As you can see from the picture above it works pretty much like a document camera would. It projects whatever is underneath it. I can use it to project student work and can use it to write and show kids something we're working on! I love that I'm now able to have the functions of a document camera.

It also has another option that let's you actually write on the iPad.  You can do this in camera mode or just on a blank white board of sorts.  I use this all the time for spelling and phonics activities and for math.  I'll just write a problem on my "white board" (iPad with IPEVO app) and then the kids will solve it on their white boards.  It's much quicker to erase than writing it on the real white board and I can walk around and monitor the room while I'm writing.

So there was a quick peek at how I use the IPEVO app.  Do you have a document camera in your classroom or do you use other tech pieces? Comment below....

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