11 August 2017

Friday Favorites - Back to School Books

Every Friday this summer I am sharing some of my favorite things with you! The month of July is focused on technology and academic areas.

Check out past Friday Favorites...
PD Books
Read Alouds
Kids' Favorite Series
Book Studies
Tech Apps
PBL Activities

Today I'm excited to share with you some of my favorite books for the first week back to school! I'm sure some of these will be old favorites, but I hope to introduce you to maybe a new one or two as well.

First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg - This one surprises me every year. This is always the first book I read to students and I think it has been since I started teaching 11 years ago. Every year I ask students if they have heard this book before (I teach 2nd) and surprisingly the majority of the class says no.  Great book to discuss the jitters and nervousness that accompany the first day! It shows students that teachers also have some first day jitters too!

ish by Peter Reynolds - One of my favorite back to school books! This book discusses that it's ok if things aren't perfect.  As long as you are doing your best that is all that matters!

The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes by Mark Pett and Gary Rubinstein - This book is great for the perfectionist child.  I was one of these and am still one as an adult. It's a funny story, but covers the important life lesson that it's ok to make mistakes and no one is perfect.

The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires - I use this book to introduce Project Based Learning. This is a great book that also focuses on growth mindset.

Tattle Tongue by Julia Cook - This book has been one of my favorite back to school books for many years.  Kids love, love, love to tattle. It does a great job covering what is a tattle and what is actually important to tell. It even has a cute little chant!

The Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neill - I love this book! This book is a great book to use when going over recess expectations. It covers sharing, being kind to one another, etc.

Don't Squeal Unless It's a Big Deal by Jeanie Franz Ransom - I use this book the first week to discuss tattling.  Tattling is a big deal in the lower grades and discussing it using picture books tends to resonate more with the kids.

And I got two new books that I haven't used before...

Spaghetti In a Hot Dog Bun by Maria Dismondy - This book has been recommended by many teachers and I'm excited to use it the first week to discuss how we're all different and unique in our own ways.

Back to School Rules by Laurie Friedman: I'm planning to use this book when we discuss creating rules during my Johnson Elementary PBL.  To learn more about that PBL project - click here...

What are some of your favorite back to school books? Comment below....

Next week, I'll be sharing some of favorite community building activities to use the first few weeks of school.

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