09 February 2017

Five for Friday - February 10

Our school celebrated Reading Week super early due to scheduling issues on the typical reading week so this week was another whirlwind. I'm linking up again with Kacey over at Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. See what we've been up to below...
We started our measurement unit this week. I love these flap books for Amy Lemon's Measurement pack. It is such great practice to help kids decide what unit to use when measuring.

I also love Hope King's Measurement Play Book packet. The kids had fun measuring these football items to the nearest inch and half inch.

Etc.  I have never seen a child use that word in my 10 years of teaching. Especially a second grader. And even better - she used it correctly. We were working on conversions from feet to yards and I love how she explained it - We know that 10, 20, 30 etc.  

We are still working on our Opinion unit in our Units of Study by Lucy Calkins.  Students this week worked with their partner and came up with goals for their writing. They used the checklist to see what they were doing well, needed work on, etc and then decided on a goal.  

This is a very measurement heavy post! Again - we were working on measurement conversion. I posed the above problem and I love how this friend (same friend as my etc friend) used her prior knowledge. We had just had the problem 2 ft = how many inches. I love that she took what we know from the prior problem and then applied it to make it easier to solve the next problem.  A great aha moment for her!

So I'm very late to this party, but I just watched all of Gilmore Girls. Somehow when it was on, back in the day, I never really got into it.  However, with the revival I decided to start it on Netflix.  I just finished all 7 seasons and the revival and have to say it is an amazing show! However,  I prefer the older seasons. Now I need a new Netflix show - any suggestions??

Happy weekend!


  1. I fell in love with Gilmore Girls a touch late considering I had never seen the series until the revival was revealed. So, you’re in good company! I absolutely fell in love with Rory and Lorelai’s dynamic! I’m happy to see the measurement packets working for you in your classroom. It’s always fun to see how each teacher uses something they find on TpT!

    Sliding Into Second Grade

    1. Oh good! I'm not the only one late to the show! It was so good and Rory and Lorelai are so fun!! Hope you had a good weekend!
      Team J's Second Grade Fun
