19 January 2017

Five for Friday - January 20

It was a short week, but a long week all at the same time! I enjoyed having Monday off, but could've used one more day. I'm linking up with Kacey over at Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday. See what we've been up to below....

I love the book Martin's Big Words.  With MLK Jr Day on Monday, we studied him a bit (we'll study him more later in our historic people PBL project) and I showed them the video of the book. It has James Earl Jones reading the text and beautiful music in the background. One of my favorites to use every year! I highly recommend you check it out on YouTube.

We've been working on multiplication for three weeks now and this week students started spending more time working on story problems. See how I use differentiated multiplication story problems in my classroom... here....

We started our second whole class book study - The Chocolate Touch this week! I love this book and so do the kids! They find it hilarious and I love the break from our traditional Journey's reading series! Can't wait to finish it next week with them.  What book studies do you do with your whole class? Write them below in the comments! I'm always looking for new ideas!

Last week, a student asked if he could clean up my Morning Message board. I said sure. He asked if he could erase it. I said sure.  He asked if he could get rid of the "posty sticks."  I said...what??? Apparently he thought post its/sticky notes were called posty sticks.  We all got a good laugh out of that one!

I'm trying to become more active in the New Year. If you'd like to join me, check out my Instagram that I'm using to keep me accountable with my fitness journey - instagram.com/jjohnsongetsfit and also add me on FitBit! My email with the account is sunsfan328@gmail.com.  I love having new friends on there and participating in Work Week Challenges.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Thanks for mentioning the You Tube video of Martin's Big Words. Such a great book and James Earl Jones would make it that much better. And posty sticks... snort :)

    1. No problem! It's a great video of it!

      I know - I was dying laughing when he said it.
      Have a good weekend!
      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  2. I just bought The Chocolate Touch this past weekend to read with my students!! I also bought Bridge to Terabithia!
    Chevron and Crayons

    1. Hi Erin!
      I hope they enjoy it. My kiddos do every year! I'll need to check out Bridge to Terabithia!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  3. It's a great feeling when your step numbers go up. Keep going,it pays off.
    Once a Teacher, Always a Teacher
