02 December 2016

Five for Friday - December 2

How is it December??? November seemed to fly by and that Thanksgiving break definitely flew by! 10 days went by in a second! I'm linking back up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to show you what we've been up to this week for Five for Friday.

In Writing Workshop, we are working our informational unit and writing like scientists. I love the lab report format WW uses and wanted to add in a holiday-ish themed experiment. I found the Candy Cane Experiment from Lemon Lime Adventures.  It is awesome! Fun, easy, and not too messy! This week we tried out the candy cane in cold water and hot water. Next week, we'll do the final experiment and try it in vinegar. I'll follow up with a blog post next week with some of the lab report results.  The kids are loving it and their reflections and observations are getting better each time. 

Love, love, love my room moms. They always outdo themselves with cute decorations!  

He's baaaaccckkkkk.  Yesterday I started Elf on the Shelf in the classroom. Stay tuned for my blog post tomorrow discussing his first two days of adventures! 

We started working on fact and opinion this week in class to go along with our Journey's story. In small groups, we discussed it and I had students write three of each. Love this little ones first opinion! :-)

It's my favorite time of the year...the holiday season. These are two pictures from Thanksgiving break and since I took a little break from blogging last week, I wanted to share them with you today.  This was my first time ever making Thanksgiving dinner and I have to say it turned out pretty well! No major kitchen mishaps and my husband had a very full plate so he was a happy camper!  I also decorated our Christmas tree! Love having all of the holiday decor up in the house.

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. My aunt lives in Henderson, NV! I love how your room mothers decorate your room ~ I would LOVE that myself! Also, my youngest son is traveling to Las Vegas for a pharmacy residency event this weekend. So fun!
