03 December 2016

Elf Adventures - Week #1

The elf is back! This year we decided to start our elf adventures on December 1! I'll write each Saturday and give you a little update on what our guy has been up to.

Day #1
Our elf made quite the entrance zip lining in our classroom. He apparently is a bit of a daredevil.

Our elf brought us the book The Elf on the Shelf to read as a class and left us a note from Santa.

After reading the book, we needed to name our elf.  After a few different rounds of voting we settled on Snowy the Elf.

Each day we fill out our Elf Watch Journal. I got this from Sunny Days in Second Grade's store on her blog.

Day #2

On Day 2, Snowy got into a little trouble. We've been using candy canes for a science experiment and I and the class specifically told him yesterday to leave the candy canes alone.  Well....apparently...Snowy isn't the best listener.  The kids couldn't believe he got into the candy canes and started eating them.

Snowy also left us a note.  Some of the kids left him notes the previous day and he responded to a few of their questions.

Love the ending to this kiddo's journal - We need those candy canes for our experiment Snowy.  Too cute!

Do you have an elf in your classroom? What did your class name your elf? Reply in the comments...

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