13 October 2016

Five for Friday - October 14

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday. October is moving along and it'll be the holiday season before we know it. See what we were up to this week below...

This week we continued on with our Statue of Liberty PBL. Students used books as well as a teacher-created website to research more facts on the Statue of Liberty. They really got into it and I love how excited they were to tell me the new facts they found!

We worked on inferring this week in reading. I love using pictures and videos as a way to introduce inferring/drawing conclusions, which is quite a tricky concept. We used the pictures above that I found on Pinterest a few years ago and had to infer what was happening in the picture. Then, I showed them the Pixar video. This was a new video to most of them and they were dying laughing. But, they also made some good inferences too :-).  

We are finishing up our first Writing Workshop unit on Narratives. Students this week finished editing their pieces and writing their final drafts. We'll have our first author's celebration this Monday!

I love this quote! So important to remember! If kids can see and feel our passion for what we're teaching them, they'll love what they are learning even more! A little inspiration for my Five for Friday.

Last weekend I was back up in Cedar City, Utah. We went to another football game and also visited the C Overlook, which is about 2,200 feet above the town. Beautiful views from up there!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. I love to use the Pizar birds video at the beginning of the year. We connect it to the whole idea of being bucket fillers instead of bucket dippers. A PBL about the Statue of Liberty sounds perfect.
    Laughter and Consistency

    1. Thank you for stopping by Jan! Great idea to connect that video to bucketfilling! I'll have to remember that for the next time I show it. Have a great weekend!
      Team J's Second Grade Fun
