15 August 2016

Year-Long Planning

Last year I made a long-term, whole year plan, for all academic areas! While it was a lot of work, it was a lifesaver in the long run.  Weekly planning was so much easier because I already had things laid out.  It also was easy to make sure I hit everything because I spent time over the summer making sure each standard was covered in the long-term plans.

I got my layout idea this year from Primary Punch. She laid out her 3rd grade plans in a very easy to read fashion and I made a version like hers, but with our standards, resources, etc.

So...here is my baby...the big project I spent many, many, many, many hours on....

Our school year is broken up into trimesters.  I have two pages for each trimester and each subject area is included.  As you can see some projects, standards, units take more than a week and some take only a week.

In addition to the basic, year-long plan. I also planned out Writing Workshop and Math in much more detail.  I used Lightbulbs and Laughter's cute year-long calendar and planned out each day.  Again, this takes time, but again will save me time down the road.

Here are my Writing Workshop plans for September:

A close up of my WW plans for September...

Here are my math plans for September. We use a combination of enVisions, Investigations, CGI, our own resources, etc....

A close-up of math plans..

Thank you for stopping by to check out how I plan for the year! I highly recommend doing year-long planning if you have the time.  It really does make the school year run smoother and takes a little stress of your plate.

Happy planning!!

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