11 August 2016

Five for Friday - August 12

Crazy that this was my last week off of summer! I start back Monday with teacher trainings and meetings all week!!  I need like a few more weeks of summer...but I guess it's time!

I'm linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.  Check out the link-up here.

So I've been back and forth on how to do lesson plans this year. The last few years I've used an Excel spreadsheet that was adapted to fit in all my classes. I wanted something different this year so I'm trying out PlanBook. So far I like it - I especially love the colors lol.  I'm using the free trial so far, but think this might be a good way to do plans for the year. Does anyone else use PlanBook?? If you have any tips or suggestions, please leave them in the comments! Thank you!
I absolutely love this! This is so true! While it is important that first day to go over some of the procedures and expectations, the main thing I want my kids to feel is excitement. I want them to be excited for the new school year! Like I said, rules and procedures have their place, but that first day you really want to make it magical so the kids are excited to come back the whole rest of the year!
I know you can't totally see these, but these are my 3 new dresses from Loft and Soma.  I always like to have a new outfit for Meet the Teacher and for the first day! Obviously I love wearing the color black lol! Where are your favorite places to shop for teacher clothes??

Hard to believe that Meet the Teacher is one week from today! I got ahead on a few things and already have my treat for my new kiddos ready to go! Grab these tags as a freebie in my TPT store here.

This was paradise! Last weekend, Andy and I went down to Tucson, AZ for a few days to visit our families. This is my parent's brand new pool!!! I didn't want to leave lol!  Was a nice relaxing weekend!!!

Have a great weekend! I'm off to go work on some more back-to-school items on my to do list!

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  1. Great first day goal!! I have a new dress, too.. Black and White stripes :) And your parents pool is awesome... so nice you got to get away before starting back. See you later. Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom

  2. I hate back-to-school shopping! I wish I liked it, but I don't. I do old-school planning. I make my own sheets in Power Point with all of my routines and procedures on them. Then I hand write my plans. It works for me, but it's a lot of paper! Happy back to school! I go back on August 29th, and the students start on the 31st.
    Laughter and Consistency
