24 June 2016

Five for Friday - June 24

Oh, how I've missed Five for Friday. My blogging has taken a serious backseat over the last few weeks again.  But, I'm back and linking up to share some of what I've been up to.  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.  Link up here...

This post is a little late, but since I was out of commission I still had to share. The hubby and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary on June 12.  It was quite an adventure since I had just had gum surgery a few days prior and we were driving to Phoenix when we got stuck in major traffic due to an accident. A trip that should've taken 5 hours took 8 hours and we didn't have much gas and it was 100 degrees. But, those are the adventures and memories we will remember.  Love this guy so much! So lucky to be with him and have him on my team!

This was a super cute housewarming gift we got from Andy's aunt and uncle. I love anything cute with our last name on it! It's the perfect addition to the couch in our great room.

So Las Vegas recently got an IKEA, well recently as in a month ago. I wasn't brave enough to join the crazy people who went the first few weeks it was open, but Andy and I took the trek over there this week. I love IKEA. That story is amazing and overwhelming all at the same time. Got many ideas for the new house!

Last night I watched the NBA Draft with Andy. Although he didn't have any players he has coached in it this year it is still tradition to watch it.  

Yes, it's a picture of a mostly eaten quesadilla, but this was a very exciting moment for my week. I had gum surgery two weeks ago and it was major dental work.  12 teeth to be exact. So my diet for the last two weeks has consisted of mash potatoes, applesauce, and mac and cheese.  While those things are yummy and great for an actual diet, I missed real food.  Today I went to the doctor and got cleared to begin eating real food again.  A quesadilla never tasted so good!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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