22 July 2013

Monday Made-It - 7/22/13

I'm linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made-It. 

I'm starting out slow with my school craft projects and am trying to ease back into the whole getting ready for back-to-school, which will be here before we know it.

Over the weekend, I painted the craft sticks that I use to call on students during whole group instruction. I got the idea from Kindertastic.  You paint the craft stick two different colors, so you can put the craft stick back in the cup to be used again, but you know who has already been called on.  I like using sticks to pick students to come up and help or share answers, but I always feel like once you call on them they know they've been called on so they sometimes tune out.  Now, I can flip the stick and put it back in.  So, even though they've already been called on, they can be called on again and it will help me keep track of who has been called on to make sure things are fair.  Here's a picture of mine below - I used a bright blue and purple (although the purple didn't quite turn out in the picture).

Then, once I get my class list I'll print their names on labels and place a label in the middle of each craft stick.

I have lots of crafting plans this week, so I'm hopeful to have more to share for next week's Monday Made-It.  Have a great start to the week!


  1. That is a great idea! I use the large craft sticks and LOVE them. In the past, I just keep the sticks out until I've called on every kid, but this is way better!


    1. Me too! I think this way will work better! I'm excited to try it out! Thanks for sharing!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun
