18 December 2015

Five for Friday - December 18

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. So glad this is our last day of school and then 2 weeks off for break!  It really felt like this week wouldn't end.  You could feel the craziness from the kids bubbling up all week and yesterday I feel like we couldn't keep a lid on it.  Half day today  - thank goodness!

So my teammate and I decided to make this cute parent gift that Rachelle from What the Teacher Wants made.  The page has turned out so cute and I love the idea of this being a keepsake or one you can change out each year.  Thank you Rachelle for this great idea!

I love, love, love Around the Room activities and this one saved me yesterday. As the crazy continued to bubble up this Holiday Solve the Room was fantastic! Thank you to Jessica Boschen for creating this. It kept things semi under control, provided math review, and movement! 

As I've mentioned many times on here, my husband is a coach for a prep basketball team at our school.  The players on the team come from all over the United States, Canada, and we have a player from Lithuania, and Senegal.  While this is a wonderful opportunity for them, these players had to make sacrifices leaving their friends and family and some are unable to go home for the holidays due to distance.  As a part of the PTA committee for the team, we asked for donations from families at the school to put together holiday bags for each player. The results were amazing! I was blown away by the generosity. Each bag on that desk is full of goodies in addition to each player getting multiple gift cards.  I'm so proud to work at a school that is so generous and caring.

Ahhh..nothing like a fresh mani-pedi to make a long week better.  Here's my holiday nails - I'm definitely ready for Christmas!

This is my teammate and I at our holiday lunch that was put on by the PTA yesterday.  We're very spoiled at my school and the PTA treats us amazing!  They had this cute little photo booth as a fun touch to the luncheon.

Hope everyone survives their last day today or the last few days next week! We can do it!

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