11 December 2015

Five for Friday - December 11

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday.  I sure do love the holiday season, but wish it would slow down a bit. On one hand I'm glad it's moving quickly because that means we're closer to break. On the other hand this is my favorite time of year and I wish it could slow down a bit!  Be sure to link up with Doodle Bugs here.

My Five for Friday today is less school and more personal life than normal for a school week.  I took off Thursday and Friday to head down to my husband's basketball tournament in AZ so I had less school stuff to report. And, to be honest - I forgot to take a lot of pictures on Monday and Tuesday at school.

This week we read "The Science Fair" in our Journey's series. The kids really enjoyed it and could relate to many of the experiments in the story because they have done some of them in their science class. Loved seeing their ideas of what they would do for a science project for a science fair.

Oh the joys of being gone from school...sub plans.  I'll be honest -  many times when I'm sick - I go in.  It's worse doing the sub plans than being at school sick.  However, when you're out of town - you're out of town. So the first three days of the school week I was running around like a crazy lady trying to pull all of my sub plans together. This is the first time my kids have a sub this year so I always get a little nervous, but they have a great sub with them so I know they'll be ok!

So excited for my friends Katie and Sam. Katie and I met teaching two years ago and have become great friends. She was even a bridesmaid in my wedding! Andy and I were able to go to her wedding this past weekend! She was a beautiful bride and it was a beautiful wedding!

Last Friday, Andy and I were able to see one of his former high school players playing with his college team Oregon.  The UNLV/Oregon game took place at MGM Grand. We had a great time seeing him play!

I was lucky enough to be able to take off work yesterday and today to attend a basketball tournament in Phoenix that Andy's team is playing. I hardly turn down a trip to Phoenix because I get a chance to see family who comes up from Tucson and see friends I left behind when I moved from Phoenix three years ago. I still miss it, but am grateful for opportunities to catch up!  Also so glad I'm able to attend my husband's games home and away!

Have a great weekend! 4.5 days til winter break!

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1 comment:

  1. Sub plans are the worst!! Glad you got to escape for a few days with your hubby! Have a great weekend.

    Sara J Creations
