01 September 2015

September Currently

September 1st is here and we are in our 3rd week of school. I do feel like this group is getting the hang of our classroom routines quicker and it actually feels like we've been in school for longer than 3 weeks - which is a good thing in this case!  I'm linking up with Farley for September Currently. Link up with her here.
Listening: Gotta love the AC.  I live in Las Vegas and it has been hot, hot, hot! Recess the last week or two has been painful and I'm hopeful for cooler weather soon.
Loving: Yay for a 3 day weekend coming up.  The kids actually have a 4 day weekend. We have teacher inservice on Friday and then of course Labor Day on Monday. I'm looking forward to our first day off and some extra sleep in time!
Thinking: Normally by now I have literacy stations up and running. This year I started with math station the first week and the kids have those down. Now, I need to slowly start introducing the lit ones so we can get that going too!
Wanting: I'm sure all teachers go through this but getting back into a work routine takes me awhile at the beginning of the year. The first few weeks I'm so tired that it is hard to get into a good gym routine after work.  This year, my husband and I have been taking walks at night which has been really good and I'm trying to get that gym time thrown in their too.  I just am so tired after school and often take a nap - which is not a good part of my routine. So, I need to find a routine that works and fits in the working out!
Needing: More hours in the school day. I know some people might call me crazy, but I feel like between all our specials sometimes there isn't enough time in a day. And, I'm not complaining about having specials - I love them and the kids love them too. Just some days I feel like I can't squeeze it all in and could use a little more time with them.
3 Goals: 1 - Organized - I gotta keep things organized. Clutter drives me crazy and stresses me out so my goal is to keep it organized so it doesn't get to that point.
2. Balance - this goes along with my wanting goal of routine. I need a healthy balance between work and play and taking care of me.
3. Calm - I tend to get a little stressed out during the work day with trying to get everything in - I need to remain calm and just get done what we can - there is always tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to link up!
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  1. I was just saying I need more time. We had art today and 3 of my littles got pulled for speech. Ugh...And tomorrow my littles have a meeting with the counselor tomorrow. double ugh!

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  3. Oh my word I need to get to the gym more too! I'm the worst at going! Enjoy your long weekend!

    The Kinder Garden
