24 July 2015

Five for Friday - July 24

I'm linking up again with Doodle Bug for Five for Friday.  Be sure to link up with her here...

After many months of too many things on my plate and having TPT block, I finally am on the TPT train again. I finally finished my first project in a long while - a book study.  I'm now working on creating writing prompts and a huge set of math story problems.  It feels good to have this writer's/TPT block finally removed and the ideas are flowing!

Now that's it's summer and I have much more time, I've been trying to cook more. Here are some enchiladas I made over the past weekend.  My husband who is a picky eater even liked them!

So this quote is so perfect for me. I've been lacking motivation with working out. I want to lose weight, but I have to put in the work to do. I thought this quote was so true for me and I'm hitting the workout and eating right bandwagon hardcore!

I blogged about this the other day, but I'm in that oh so fun process of getting my name changed.  I'm almost officially Mrs. Johnson on all documents and have updated my blog, Facebook, Instagram, etc to fit my new name!

So I might be addicted to Netflix.  I started Scandal at the beginning of the summer and finished all 3 seasons in a week - then the fourth when it came out.  Now, I'm re-watching Friday Night Lights - such a good show. Andy and I have also started watching House of Cards.  Man that show is intense.  What are you all watching Netflix?

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