30 December 2014

Fourteen in 14

I'm linking up with Tara, Hadar, and Kristin for my Fourteen in 14.  Be sure to link up, here.
I love this quote! There are so many things in life that are out of your control and sometimes all you can say is "it is what it is."

Ann Taylor Loft is my favorite store and I love all of their cardigans.  Works perfectly for school or in colder weather!  I have many like this one above.
My favorite movie that I saw this year was "Gone Girl." I read the book and loved parts of it and the movie was just as good! If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.

I have 2 new favorite series this year - both on USA.  I loved the new shows Rush and Satisfaction. Neither are very teacher appropriate lol, but very fun dramatic out there shows! And, my fiancĂ© enjoys watching them with me.
My favorite restaurant for 2014 would be Café Zupa. I love their salads and sandwiches.
Orange chicken. I'm a very picky eater and Andy finally convinced me to try orange chicken and I absolutely loved it!

Andy gave me two of our engagement photos printed on canvas for us to put up in our place for Christmas. Love this thoughtful gift!
Anything wedding has been my favorite thing pinned. I'm getting married in June so Pinterest and I have been best friends. The picture above isn't my favorite but I didn't want to give anything away :-).
My favorite blog post this year would be my classroom reveal. I'm at a new school and I love it! I have a huge classroom with 4 windows! I even have a view of the Las Vegas Strip.  I'm so excited about my new school and love how it all turned out!
Here's my post...
My favorite accomplishment this year would be being asked and able to attend a forum in Florida. Since I'm at a private school our PD is done differently.  We do have in house PD, but they also get all the schools together three times a year for a forum.  Our schools are all over - New York, Florida, Texas, AZ, Mexico, China, Switzerland.  It was neat to be asked to be part of it and a big accomplishment to attend and now get to help train our teachers at our site.

My favorite memory for this year would be Andy's and my Arizona trip over Spring Break and picking our wedding location.  We loved the Arizona Grand Resort on our visit and will be getting married their June 2015!

Get in shape! With the upcoming wedding and life in general, I really want to get in shape this upcoming year!
Flexibility - my life is a little crazy sometimes since I'm marrying a coach. His schedule is up in there as is my school schedule sometimes and I need to work on flexibility.

Thanks for checking out my Fourteen in 14! Be sure to link up!

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