04 December 2014

Elf on the Shelf - Days 1-3

I am in love with Elf on the Shelf. The school I'm at is huge into holidays and all 3 second grade classes have an elf. My kids are loving it, I'm loving it, and it's helping keep behavior contained in this crazy month of December. Here's what our elf, named Sparky has been up to.

Day #1
The kids decided that on Day #1 he had bungee jumped from above the white board.  They like that our guy is a bit of a daredevil.  We also voted on names and decided to call him Sparky.  I'm an ASU Alum and a few of my student's parents are too.  I got this cute introduction letter from the Primary Journey on TPT.

Day #2

The next day he created a tower out of snap cubes and decided to climb it. He also left us a note and a mess at the bottom.

Day #3

The kids loved this one! I saw this idea on Pinterest.  Sparky decided that he loved his name so much he wanted to decorate the room with it. My kids loved it and thought he put graffiti on the wall!

Elf on the Shelf Investigation Log 

Each day my students are filling out their Elf Investigation Log that I got out of Sunny Days in 2nd Grade's Elf Classroom Resources. You can find that on TPT here.
Does your class have an Elf on the Shelf? What has your elf been up to? Comment below.

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