18 August 2014

Survived the First Day!

Every year without fail the first day of school flies by.  And, even though it seems like it went so quickly you were only there an hour or two, you feel like you worked a 24 hour shift by the time you were done. I love how adrenaline kicks in that first day...but  man am I tired now.
Here's one of my favorite things from our first day (I'll share more as the week goes on, but my bed is calling my name). 
My new school starts the day with Morning Meeting for 25 minutes every day. I love that they have time built in for this and that they really want us to focus on the classroom community.  Today was our first one and the kids did awesome. They all had done it last year in first grade but for our first one together it was neat to see.
For Greeting, we all introduced ourselves and then we said good morning to the person after their introduction.
For Share, I read First Day Jitters (a favorite and must for the first day).  Then, I had student share how they were feeling about the first day. I loved hearing many of them say how happy and excited they were.
For Activity, we played Guess My Number. I thought of a secret number between 0-100 and then 0-200 and they had to guess. I'd answer their guess with either higher or lower and they'd have to narrow it down with the clues.
For Morning Message, I had them share with me what they wanted to learn in 2nd grade. I loved seeing them take ownership and turns while writing on the board.  Here's a picture of it below...
I'm so excited for this year.  I have a great bunch and can't wait to see all we accomplish by the end of the year.
Hope everyone else who started today had a great first day. On to day 2 tomorrow!

Also, make sure to check out the TPT Back-to-School Boost Sale.  My whole store will be 20% off on Wednesday, August 20 and if you use the code "BOOST" you'll get 28% off!

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