26 July 2014

Reading Plans Binder

Yesterday I blogged about how I use my Math Plans Binder and today I'm talking about my Reading Plans Binder.  Yes, they are very similar, however the reading one I use for Reading and Writing.
Here's how I set it up...
Cute, fun cover

5 Tabs - Standards, Calendar, Plans, Book Lists, Assessments - Pretty much anything you would need to plan out reading lessons.

I've updated these with my new school's standards. They use ERB and also CPAA. 

Next up is the calendar. This is an example from last year. I wanted to show one filled out. I use this monthly calendar as a way to map out reading for a quarter or a few months at a time. I like being able to see it all on one page.  Here's where I put down what phonics skill we were working on, reading standard, and also writing standard.  From this, I would come up with daily plans and weekly lesson plans, but I had this with me to show the big picture.

Here's my new calendar for 2014-15.  This awesome calendar can be found in A Modern Teacher's TPT Store.  It's a refill calendar that you can find....here.

After the calendar, I put in my planning pages. I like to take each standard and map out what the daily lessons will look like. This also is a great tool to share during team planning meetings so that everyone is on the same page or has ideas for how to teach the different standards. Below is an example for inferring.  I have the standard at the top, the dates I'm teaching it, a book list that focuses on that standard, and then ideas for each day. I then take this to fill in my weekly plans. My weekly plans are typically less detailed, but I have these standard focused plans that are the detailed versions.

The last two tabs I didn't get pictures of, but one is a book list.  Over the years I have found a few different book lists that give a billion book ideas and next to each book have the reading skill that they work best with. I love these! 
The last tab is an assessment tab. Here's where I put different assessments that I'll use to measure progress on the various reading standards.
Thanks for checking out my reading plans binder. I know it might seem like extra work, but it helps me to have a long range plan, a weekly plan, and then a more focused detailed standard plan. The nice thing is that the standard plan can really be used from year to year.  I always tweak or add to the standard plans, but at least the general lesson ideas are there. Then, each year, I look at it and fill in the weekly plans from it. So, while it take more time upfront it saves me time in the end.
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