10 July 2014

Organizing Standards

Since I'm moving to a private school this year, I'll have new standards. They don't use Common Core, but use ERBs and CPAAs, which after looking at are very similar to Common Core.
I'm one of these weird people (like most teachers) and need it to look cute. The boring Times New Roman font that it prints out in from online wasn't doing it for me.  Now, in addition to wanting to cute it up a bit, I also wanted to learn the standards.  And, I'm someone who if I type it...it helps me learn it.  So, I set forward and typed up ALL the standards. 
A copy of the standards will go in my Reading and Math Binders that I use for planning, but I also printed a second copy. This copy I put in sheet protectors and then used a binder ring to clip together so that it can hang by my desk. This way the standards are always right at my fingertips.  See below...
 My cover - Love The 3AM Teacher's Binder Covers..

One page of Math Standards (see...much cuter font than Times New Roman)

In sheet protectors and binder ring used to keep each set of standards together. Now, it can hang by my desk and be easy to grab and use.
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