31 July 2014

Lesson Plan Binder

Each year I always get excited to make my new lesson plan binder. It's kinda like being a kid and getting a new backpack for the school year. Although, who am I kidding - I love getting a new teacher bag for the school year.  These issues all stem from my obsession with anything school supply related. 

Anyways, I like to use a 1.5 inch binder so that I have room to fit all of the necessary things in it.  This year I'm going with a fun, hot pink color. I love the cover - I got it from one of Teaching and Tidbits with Jamie on TPT. It was her spring collection of digital paper.  Love it!

Then, I always update the dividers. I'm not 100% sure what the school's focusing on since I'm new, but I'm pretty sure these will work.  My 5 dividers are - Student Info (roster, personal info), Class Info (schedule, etc), School Info (this is the big folder - anything school related - maps, meeting info, behavior policies, etc), Essential Questions (big focus at my new school so I want to have the info handy), and of course a lesson plans section.  My lesson plans are typically done on Excel in a template that I can just type and print each week.

Thanks for coming by! How do you organize your important school info?
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