16 July 2014

Aha Moment with Binders

Now, I realize I might be a little late to the party on this one, but if you don't know this trick hopefully I can save you some time.  I've been working on putting binders together with all of my teaching materials. I've made cute covers, but wanted to also make cute binder spines. However, ever time I try to actually put them in the spine they get all crinkled, ripped, and messed up.  Anyone else ever have this problem?
Well, I've seen many teacher's beautiful binders with beautiful binder spines so I knew there must be a trick.  After googling (not sure if that is an actual word), I figured it out.  Laminate the binder spine.  I have no idea how I never thought of that especially since I love to laminate.  I tried it and it went in easy peasy. 
So, like I said, you maybe already knew this, but if not, hopefully I've helped you out.
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