
May Currently...a few days late

With all of the end of the year craziness, I've realized that I got to jumpstart myself and get back into blogging.  What better way to get back into it then with Farley's Currently.  Check out here site here to link up....

Listening: I love Bar Rescue. It's one of the shows that my fiancé and I enjoy watching together.  Sundays are great days not only because they have new episodes, but because they typically also have marathons.  I think someone should start a School Rescue show using the same concept...
Loving: This weather here in Vegas has been beautiful. Not too hot yet, but perfect.  Nights are nice outside and the sunshine during the days has been gorgeous.
Thinking: I need to go to the gym.  With the long busy days it's been difficult finding motivation to get to the gym or work out.  Sadly even on a Sunday I'm needing to motivate to get myself out the door and to go.
Wanting: Summer needs to hurry up! I'm ready for the nice, lounging days of summer.  Being able to sleep in, make my own schedule, and go to the restroom whenever I want (teachers you get this...we're the only ones who have to go to the bathroom on a schedule...)
Needing: My fiancé's sister is getting married at the end of May. I'm so excited for all of the festivities but am needing some new dresses for all of the events.  What a problem to have lol...  My Loft bag on is rather full right now :-).
Surprise: I enjoy reading Just a Primary Girl's blog and following her on Instagram and TPT. She has wonderful ideas and loves organization!  Everyone should check out her blog here....
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I totally relate to the bathroom comment...haha.. People just don't understand! Have fun dress shopping!
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard
