
Learning About Nouns

In addition to a review of verbs, we also reviewed nouns mainly focusing on singular and plural nouns and how to make a singular noun plural.  We also discussed the irregular nouns and how more than one tooth isn't tooths....which is always a hard one for them to understand, but after this chart and activity I think we're getting there.

We started by making an anchor chart together.

Then, after some whole group practice with nouns the kids worked on Nouns Around the Room.  Nouns Around the Room can be found in my TPT store here.  There are 24 different noun questions ranging from - which word is the noun, make this singular noun plural, and is this word a noun? 
The kids had a great time completing this activity and really showed that they have nouns down.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.  Be sure to visit my TPT store here and grab Nouns Around the Room!

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