17 January 2014

Five for Friday

I'm linking up with Doodlebug for Five for Friday.  Join the linky party here...

This week we spent a lot of time researching and learning about Martin Luther King Jr.  We watched a Brainpop video and "Martin's Big Words" on Bookflix.  We read two articles and read a mini biography about him.  To keep track of our facts we used a circle map. Then, we planned our writing and wrote All About Martin.


We also learned about Author's Purpose this week.  We made a little flip book for the different reasons authors write.  We made a characteristics chart for specific things to look for with each purpose.  We also used the lessons from Readworks.org.  They have great lessons for Author's Purpose and also provide text for the students to read at their level. 


For the final activity with Author's Purpose, we did Author's Purpose Scoot with a packet from Fishy Rob that can be found here.  The kids had so much fun moving around and practicing their new skills with this activity.


In Math this week, we worked on comparing numbers. We started by making an anchor chart with important vocabulary and some examples. Then, we practiced whole group with some practice problems on white boards.  We also played games from Sunny Days unit, which can be found here. The kids had fun playing Compare and Capture.  We also played Roll and Compare a little game I created (which will be a freebie here later this weekend).



And, my last excitement for the week - new books! We're starting to teach theme next week so I ordered some new books from Amazon to add to my teaching collection!
Hope everyone has a great start to the 3 day weekend!

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