
Five for Friday - January 24

I'm linking up over with Doodle Bug for Five for Friday.  You can link up with her here.  For a short week, it sure has felt like a long one. I know there was a full moon last week, but I swear the effects were long lasting lol.  Here's what we've been up to this week....


We started our All About Penguins Project this week.  We began by learning penguin vocabulary from a teacher-created PowerPoint. 

Then, we started our research using National Geographic Kids.  They had a great article on penguins in the January/February issue.  We've been reading through it, discussing, and adding facts to our circle map.
*Disclaimer - I tried to get this picture to go the correct way about 10 times and this is what I got...Sorry

In reading this week, we began working on Theme.  I read multiple books such as - Ferdinand the Bull, Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, and the Little Red Hen (more books to come next week) to introduce and discuss theme.  They've done a great job with it and have even picked out the theme in most books on their own without too much prompting, which isn't easy.  I always find theme to be a hard one for them to understand.  We're also working on a circle map and adding themes to it as we go.  We've also started written response about theme now that they are familiar with it.

*This picture wouldn't go the right way either :-(.

New Website - I heard about Weebly from a co-worker and knew it was something that I would get to eventually.  At my old school, we each had our own website through Schoolwires, which had teacher and class info, but also links to practice various skills.  I missed this terribly and I missed having links readily available during stations.  So, this weekend since it was a long one I finally sat down and got one up and running.  It's very basic and still needs work, but now I have some reading and math links all ready to go for the kiddos.

TPT Success - I opened my TPT store this summer and have been gradually working at growing it.  Now, I'm not very far and this is nowhere near the success some people have had, but I was super excited to reach 100 items sold today.  I still have more goals ahead of me, but for someone who just started out I was excited to see that people are buying, using, and finding my products helpful.

This is a personal weekly item, but I finally upgraded my phone to the 5S.  I've had the iPhone 4 for 2 and a half years and let me tell you it was time.  My poor little phone just couldn't keep up like it used to. So now I have a new phone that is quick and takes beautiful pictures!  Love it!
That's it for my week! Can't wait to see what everyone else has been up to. Be sure to link up!

1 comment:

  1. I went from an iPhone 4 to a 5s a couple months ago too. So pretty and fast! Congrats on your TpT milestone. We are learning about penguins too, I teach 2nd as well. I wish we had the National Geographic magazines...looks great for learning about nonfiction.

    Literacy Spark
