01 September 2013

First Week

Wow....what a crazy, busy first week. It's been a long time since I've been brand new at a school and let me tell you the first week when you're new...isn't easy.  I didn't know where classrooms were, we had rainy day schedule two days (and we're an outside school and I'm in a portable), I had new kids every day...it was an adventure to say the least. But, good news, I survived and have lived to tell about it lol. 

I didn't get a chance to document with pictures too many activities this week, but I did want to show off our reading bulletin, which we started filling in this week.  It's titled "Slam Dunk Into Reading" to go along with my basketball theme. The first week of school I love to use Debbie Miller's, Reading with Meaning beginning activities.  We made 3 anchor charts this week -

  • What do good readers do?
  • Where can readers read?
  • What do readers read?
I was impressed at the answers my kiddos came up with. I work at a high ELL school so their educational backgrounds are quite varied, but we're working on getting them to where they need to be. 

See the bulletin below...

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