23 July 2013

Reading Plans Binder

I love using binders as a way to organize materials and plans.  Since Reading and Math have so many parts to it, I decided to make a Reading Plans and Math Plans binder to use this year, in addition to my lesson plan book.  I'm planning to use my lesson plan binder for school information and also to hold my weekly plans.  The Reading and Math Plans binder will have more specific information regarding the plans in those subject areas and will help me when filling out my weekly plans in my lesson plan binder. 

Here's what I have in my Reading Plans Binder...

Cute Cover- I love using scrapbook paper and stickers to decorate binders.  Makes it look more fun!

Inside View with all of my tabs:

Standards Tab:
Here's where the standards are going for ELA. Check out  my ELA Standards Freebie for 2nd grade over on TPT here.

 Calendar Tab:
In addition to my weekly lesson plans, I like to use an additional calendar to map out the reading standards for the whole year.  On this calendar, I place in each Harcourt story for the week and also the comprehension, language, and writing standards we are covering.  Mapping it out in advance helps me ensure that I teach all the standards by the end of the year.
I got this awesome calendar from Erica Marshall.

Plans Tab:
For each reading standard, I like to flesh out my plans adding in book list options, whole group options, independent practice options, etc.  See example below...

Book Lists Tab:
I have done a lot of research and found some great book lists on the internet.  It's so nice when you're looking to teach lessons on theme - you can look at the book list under theme - and there are numerous books you can use.  One of my favorite book lists is from Carmela Brown

I like having all of my assessments here, which makes for easy access for copying and planning.  Check out my setting assessment package on TPT

Thanks for checking out my Reading Plans Binder.  Tomorrow I'll post my Math Plans Binder.  Have a great day!

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