10 October 2017

Class Dojo Videos

I absolutely love the Class Dojo videos.  I use Class Dojo as a way to grade/track our non-academic standards (conduct, effort, and personal habits).  But, my favorite part of Class Dojo is the videos tab under Big Ideas. You can find it....here...

Class Dojo started this a few years ago and started out with their videos on Growth Mindset. They also have videos on perseverance, empathy, gratitude, and mindfulness. All important life skills for students to learn!

My favorite one and the series we always start with is the series about Growth Mindset.  As we know Growth Mindset is a big talking point in education and so important for kids to learn about at a young age. However, it can be quite tricky to explain it in kid friendly terms! But, Class Dojo has done it! They use friendly characters - Katie and Mojo and have them encounter typical kid type issues - making mistakes, not knowing how to do something, wanting to give up, etc. Through these videos it teaches kids that your brain is a muscle that can get stronger, that just because you don't know how to do something means you don't know it yet, and more...

I've been showing these once a week for Growth Mindset Monday - Morning Meeting. Students greet each other and share growth mindset type questions. For example, what is something you're good at, what is something that is hard for you, and more.

Students also focus on the videos for their Morning Message. I like to have students respond explaining what they learned in past videos. It's a great way to jog their memory and lead in to the next video since they build on one another.

Then, for the activity we watch the episode and discuss.  The kids love these videos and I find them applying what we learned in class.  For example, we were working on rounding which was hard for some of my students. We focused on the fact that we just don't know it "yet," but the more we practice the better we'll get at it!

I'm excited to finish up the Growth Mindset series next week and then we'll be moving on to Empathy.  How do you use Class Dojo videos in your room?  Comment below and let me know!

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