07 July 2017

Friday Favorites - Tech Apps

Every Friday this summer I am sharing some of my favorite things with you! The month of July is focused on technology and academic areas.

Check out past Friday Favorites...
PD Books
Read Alouds
Kids' Favorite Series
Book Studies

Today I'm sharing some of my favorite apps to use in the classroom. We are very lucky because each teacher has their own iPad to use in the classroom and we are 1 to 1 for students too.  A few of these apps are for students and a few are more for teachers. Stay tuned for some additional blog posts coming soon about these awesome tech apps!

Kahoot - My students and I both love Kahoot! I started using it this year and primarily used it to review content.  It's kind of like a quiz, but also like a game show. Students can play as a class, in teams, partnerships, and individually.  On Tuesday, I'm sharing a blog post where I go more in depth with how I used Kahoot in my classroom.
Image result for kahoot

Xtra Math - Xtra Math is another great student app.  This is a good way for kids to practice fact fluency. It starts them off with an assessment to see where they are at and then provides them practice on areas where they struggled.  It has little "games" like Race the Teacher and is constantly monitoring their progress.  On the teacher sign-in, it's very easy to keep up with the kids, see whose been practicing, and see where they are at. I really like how it's quick practice.  It has them do about 5 minutes and then they are done for the day. Quick, easy, and to the point!
Image result for xtra math

Code.Org - I love, love, love coding and so do the kids.  With the importance of technology, the number of jobs in technology that exist now, and the number of technology jobs that will exist when our students graduate - technology is a skill that they need! Coding is also a skill they need.  Code.org provides practice at their pace. I've even tried it out and it's quite fun. I wish they had this around when we were kids! Stay tuned...I have an additional blog post coming on this one too!
Image result for code.org

MobyMax - MobyMax is a great all-around educational review. It provides options to practice math, reading, language, vocabulary, writing, and more.  I like that it starts with an assessment and then gives the students lessons based on their needs.  They also work through lessons at their own pace. This app/website is great for differentiation!
Image result for mobymax

Class Dojo - This is more of a teacher app, but still a good one.  We use Class Dojo to monitor and give grades for our non-academic standards - conduct, effort, and personal habits. I love that you can personalize Class Dojo for the behaviors that you are looking for. There is also a component where you can invite parents to see their progress (we don't use this part at my school).
Image result for class dojo

iPevo - iPevo is another teacher app. As I mentioned, we are lucky to have a teacher iPad that can connect to a projector through Apple TV. We do not have document cameras at my school, but the app, iPevo, allows your iPad to turn into a document camera. It can project writing samples, work, etc on the board and there is also an option to use it like a white board. Stay tuned for a blog post on this...
Image result for ipevo app

Thanks for stopping by! Next week I'll share some of my favorite math lessons and activities!

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