31 May 2017

End of the School Year - Tip #5

For the month of May, every Wednesday, I'm sharing quick End of the School Year tip...

For previous tips...

Today's tip is all about planning for next year and organization.  By the end of the school year, my library starts looking a little crazy. While I do have a specific organizational system in place, (which you can read about...here...) it doesn't look like that in May.  Some books have seen better days, some books are missing, and many books are in the wrong place.  There's just something about the month of May.  So there are a few things I do...

1- I order new books for my library using my bonus points from Scholastic.  This is a great time to replenish your library, order some of the new series, and replace some books that might have gone missing.

2- I weed out a lot of books from my library. Some of this weeding out is to make room for new books and some is to get rid of books that my students have no interest in.  This is a great time to donate books to a school in need or any donation area!

3 - I put the kids to work.  Kids love to help the teacher clean. So, the last week of school, each kid gets a bin and takes out any books that don't belong. For example, I have a mystery book bin. Any book that doesn't have a mystery book sticker gets removed and set on the table.  Then, once every bin has been cleaned out. They help me put the books on the table back where they go.  They love helping with this and it goes so much quicker having 17 kiddos help instead of me doing it all by myself.

So - just a quick tip today. Friday is our last day so things have been busy!  Hope everyone enjoyed my 5 End of the Year School Tips!

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