10 May 2017

End of the School Year - Tip #2

For the month of May, every Wednesday, I'm sharing quick End of the School Year tip...

For previous tips...

End of the School Year Tip #1

Today I'm sharing with you Tip #2.  Tip #2 is to allow the students to help plan things in your classroom. We do Morning Meeting in my classroom every day.  Normally I plan out the four components for every meeting. In May, I like to have the students work together in groups to share some of their ideas for Morning Meeting. It might be some of their favorite greetings, share, activities, or messages or they can create their own. Then, when I sit down to plan, I pull ideas from their ideas. So it's kind of like they're helping plan Morning Meeting! It's always fun for them to see whose greeting or share we're doing...

See their idea sheets below...

Do you like to have the kids help plan class events? If so, write what you do in the comments section below...

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