09 March 2017

Five for Friday - March 10

Oh my goodness! I got hit with a cold/flu bug and boy did it do a number on me.  I missed Five for Friday last week because of it and have spent this week trying to get rid of it.  Anyone else in the sickness boat?? Anyways, enough of the pity me time, I'm back for another Five for Friday. We've been very busy this week so I'm linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching to show you what we've been up to....

This is totally how this cold/sickness has felt! I got sneezed on last week by a student and I have many more coughing.  I can't seem to shake it this cold/flu!!  This stupid cough won't go away. Anyone else in the same boat???

We started learning about adjectives this week. I decided to use a bubble map from Thinking Maps to help us organize our adjectives. In the middle bubble, students wrote a noun. Then, around that they added more bubbles with adjectives that described that noun.  Great way to organize it and keep it simple.

We also started graphing this week. For our first day we did a review/re-introduction of basic bar graphs.  The graph above and many more can be found in my Graphing for 2nd Grade packet in my TPT store...here...

I absolutely love Kahoot! I've been using it every Thursday for a review of our weekly vocab and reading skills. I'm very lucky because students in my class are 1-to-1 with iPads. So, each student gets to play and participate. They literally cheered yesterday when I said we were doing a Kahoot! It's engaging and a great way to review content!

We're still working on our Map PBL unit. We had a little detour with International Week/a billion other things, so we've gotten a little behind. This week we learned about different landforms. Students recorded the definitions and drew a picture of the landform in their PBL packet.  My friend above is the most amazing artist! So talented and only in 2nd grade! His drawings were done quickly, but are beautiful!

Have a great weekend! My plans are rest, rest, and more rest! I'm hoping to be fully rid of this cold/sickness by Monday! Wish me luck!

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