29 January 2017

International Week Recap

Our school had our very first International Week last week and I'm going to share with you some of the events and things my kids were a part of.  It was a wonderful week and full of many cultural experiences!

Class Presentations:

Each class in the lower school (K-4) had a different country. The class researched the country and came up with a presentation for the other classes to see during International Week. Some classes did group or partnership presentations and the younger guys did whole class presentations. It was amazing! Everyone worked really hard and the kids learned a lot and had fun while doing it!

Below is our passport.  As kids went to the different classes, they received a sticker for their passport and filled out the page inside for each country. Things on the page included - capital, currency, culture, language, etc.

Passport to Dance:
I unfortunately can't post any pictures of this, but it was super cute! Each class got to learn dances from a different culture.  My kids got to learn South American dances. They had the cutest ponchos and skirts to wear. They learned 3-4 dances and did a great job!

Holland Presentation:
Our country to share with the school was Holland. A few weeks ago I posted a picture of my class interviewing my dad via Facetime.  My dad was born in Holland and immigrated to the US when he was 8. The kids had a great time interviewing him and learning more about the country.  We also picked Holland because one of our students (she moved over Christmas break) had been to Holland and her parents were from Holland.

We spent many, many days researching and many, many, many, many days preparing our presentations. I cannot tell you how proud I was! The kids knew their stuff and were so excited to share their presentations. It was quite a long day.  They had 4 different 40 minute blocks of presentations.  Each block was then split in two where each class (we have 2 classes per grade) would come in and visit the kid's stations. They were exhausted by the end of the day!

Below are some of our posters and presentation materials...

To hear a few of the presentations - check out the videos I posted on my Facebook page...here.

Here's a Holland poster that some of the older art students made for our class.

Holland Government and History

Kid's Lives in Holland

Dutch Food - they even had stroopwafel at this station for people to sample! 

Famous Residents of Holland

A book about Holland's Famous Landmarks and Symbols

Holland's Currency and Language

Holland's Culture- the cow clogs were a hit!

A Keynote on Holland's Geography

As you can see from the presentations, my kids had different ways of sharing the information they learned. That was totally up to them. Once they had researched their topic, they got to pick how they wanted to present it with their partner. We did have a lot of posters, but I loved the addition of  Keynote and student-made book.

Parent Presentations:
Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of this, but the culminating event of the week, was parent presentations on Friday. We have many parents who are from many different countries. They came in to share their culture and food (the kids favorite part) with us in stations set-up in the cafeteria. Sweden, Syria, Germany, Italy, and Mexico were just a few of the countries represented.

All in all it was an amazing week -but, boy were the kids and I tired by the end!

Comment below - does your school do a week like this? What all does it include?

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