17 December 2016

Elf Adventures - Week #3

Here's what our class elf Snowy was up to in our final week before winter break....
To see his adventures in week 1- click here.
To see his adventures in week 2 - click here.

Day #8

Today Snowy was feeling better from his illness on Friday and decided to try his hand at decorating our room - with toilet paper.The kids thought it was so funny, but of course asked the question if it was clean toilet paper or used? Lol.

Day #9

Snowy noticed that students were having a hard time listening so he encouraged everyone to clip up to Outstanding like him! My kids were quite surprised he clipped "up" given his toilet papering incident the day before. But a few of them did work hard to clip up!

Day #10

Since I kept forgetting to give the kids the extra candy canes from our candy cane experiment, Snowy to matters into his own hands.  Snowy gave the kids the candy canes, but hid them. So, they had to hunt for the 17 candy canes around the room! We did eventually find them all!

Day #11

Snowy and my teammate's elf Jingle worked on this one together. They decided since it was the night before a party day that there should be no math homework.  He even cut up the homework they were supposed to do that night!

Day #12

Snowy's last day with us since we head to break. We decided Snowy was a little jealous that he didn't have his picture on one of our ornaments. Each ornament on our tree had a picture of a student on it. So, Snowy decided to add his picture to every child's ornament. A nice way for them to remember him by...

Hope everyone's enjoyed our elf adventures! 

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