10 December 2016

Elf Adventures - Week #2

Snowy, our class elf, was back for week 2 and he had some more adventures in our classroom. To see our first week with Snowy, click here.

Day #3

Snowy decided to help us out today because he felt bad for eating the candy canes on Friday. He wrote our class schedule for us! Looked a little different than a regular Monday in 2nd grade.

Day #4

Snowy was a little offended that some of the kids thought he had misspelled a word or two on his schedule from Monday. So, he decided to work on his spelling with our spelling list. He also decided to add an important word to it - Snowy.

Day #5

Snowy had a great seat today in the back of the room with Santa and friends.

He also decided to show us his decorations he created for our room.  He loves his name a lot and wanted the kids to get lots of practice with the spelling word he added the day before - his name - Snowy.

In Snowy's letter, he asked us to focus on being kind and do good deeds. He wanted everyone to do one or more nice things and write him a little note letting them know what they had done.

Day #6

Well unfortunately, no one wrote Snowy a note about a good deed that had been done. So, Snowy decided to try again. Today he sat over by the bucket filling area as a way to remind everyone to be kind. Again, he asked the kids to each do at least one kind thing or more and write him about it.

Snowy had much better results! Here are the notes of kindness and some questions for Snowy at the end of the day!

The kids were all impressed with how Snowy sat in the bucket. We decided he must be very flexible lol.

Day #7

Poor Snowy the elf got sick. He picked up the cold that many of us in class had. He decided to spend the day resting and was all cuddled up with a tissue blanket and many... (hopefully not used) tissues around him.

Check back next weekend to see what Snowy was up to during the final week in our classroom!

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