27 October 2016

Five for Friday - October 28

I cannot tell you how excited I am to have today off! We have today off for Nevada Day. We haven't had a day off since Labor Day. This teacher...needed...a...day...off.  Especially to prepare for what will be a crazy Monday with Halloween parties and Halloween. For reals - why does Halloween have to be on a Monday.  Anyways...I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. Here's what we've been up to this week....

This was the answer to my Morning Message question - Why is it important for us to know how to tell time? It cracked me up!  I don't think I ever had a professor ask me in college if I knew how to tell time lol.

As you can tell from #1 - we've been working on telling time this week. Man is this concept a tricky one for some kids. To practice, we used Hope King's Measurement Playbook - Time Match-Up game. We also used this cool app called Telling Time Quiz on the iPads.

We've been working nouns and as a recap/review/formative assessment, students worked on Nouns Around the Room from my TPT Store. It can be found, here.  Nouns ATR has students identifying nouns (in different ways) and making singular nouns plural.  Love using Around the Room activities to review and see where kids at.  Way better than sitting and doing a worksheet.

Our school has a Strategy Game Room and it is AWESOME! We finally checked it out and went there for our Fun Friday last week. It is so neat. It has large versions of many games - Jenga, Connect 4, Scrabble, Dominos, and more. The kids had so much fun playing and creating different things. They also worked really well together and was an opportunity to practice working with others. We'll definitely head back there for future Fun Fridays.

This week we started our informational Writing Workshop unit called Lab Reports and Science Books.  I love it so far! We started out by doing an experiment testing to see if the little toy car would go farther from the ramp on the carpet or bare floor. The kids were so excited to test it out.  Some even tried it out at home too! As we went through the experiment process, students worked on their lab books covering topics like hypothesis, procedures, writing results, and coming up with conclusions based on the results. This is my first time teaching this informational book and I am a fan so far!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Rest up - next week will be a long, crazy week with Halloween on Monday!


  1. It looks like you had some great activities for your students. I love around the room activities as well.

    The Very Busy Kindergarten

  2. I'm loving the strategy game room! I have been wanting to introduce some games into my classroom for Fun Friday. Games can teach so many skills and the kids don't even know they are learning!

    Primary On The Prowl

  3. I'm loving the strategy game room! I have been wanting to introduce some games into my classroom for Fun Friday. Games can teach so many skills and the kids don't even know they are learning!

    Primary On The Prowl
