21 October 2016

Five for Friday - October 21

What a week. This one felt like a very long one for some reason.  The full moon on Sunday/Monday night didn't help things either. I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another round of Five for Friday. Here's what we were up to this week...

This was a first! I've had many kids tie their shoes together - this was a first for socks! My little friend's socks have capes on the back of them and she was experimenting.  She had quite a fun walk down to the lunchroom with her socks tied together.  

We are about to start our Vocabulary Station during Literacy Stations. I like to introduce the activities on the task cards whole group first, before they do it with a partner in the station. To help practice our weekly vocabulary words, students worked with a partner and had to use the words in a story they created together! Great way to incorporate writing and vocabulary!

This week we reviewed nouns. We first made a tree map of nouns and then went back to identify which nouns were common and which were proper.

Then, we played a little "game" called Common or Proper.  I showed the word on the projector and the students wrote a "p" for proper on their white board or a "c" for common. This was a quick way to practice and check for understanding. And, way better than a worksheet!


My newest product is now up in my TPT Store. It's called Grammar Fix It. The first version covers capitals and end marks.  Great way to practice whole group, small group, with a partner, or independently!  Check it out here...
We are loving the new Blazer Fresh channel on GoNoodle. My favorite is "Read with Expression." That tune just gets stuck in your head! We tried out their new one about patterns this week and the kids loved it. What's your classes favorite GoNoodle video??

1 comment:

  1. The socks with capes made me laugh out loud! Aren't kids silly? Last week I had a second grader wear a furry mustache all day- for no reason! He was only with me for 40 minutes, but can you imagine the distraction of this for the whole day with his classroom teacher? Have a great week!
    Teachers Are Terrific!
