16 September 2016

Five for Friday - September 16

Week #4 is now complete! It felt like a long one... But, it is now complete and since it was technically our second full week of school (holiday the last one and PD day the week before) we are starting to get in the groove of things.  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching's Five for Friday to show you what I've been up to this week.

We got Back to School Night out of the way this week. I have no issues getting up in front of kids and being in front of them all day. Adults are a whole other thing.  I have very sweet parents and families and am very lucky, but I still get super nervous talking in front of them. So, I'm glad this event is out of the way.  
We've been hard at work learning different addition strategies this week. I forgot to snap a picture yesterday of expanded notation, but will get that one in their later. The kids have been very flexible and open minded and I think they have a better understanding of how addition works and the place value of each digit in a number.

In Writing Workshop this week, students worked their partner to come up with goals for their personal narratives. We talked about focusing on small moments, working on the beginning of your story, working on the ending, and writing across the pages. I was so proud of each child. They took this seriously and really found goals that were accurate.  Goal setting can be tricky at this age, but they paid attention, looked critically, and really knew what areas they needed to focus on.  Can't wait to see where they go next with their writing.

This week we started reviewing capital letters. I made up this quick PowerPoint for a Morning Meeting Activity.  It was called "Capital Letter or No?" If the word didn't need a capital, they wrote the word no on their white board. If the word did need a capital, they wrote the word yes and then fixed the word.  Quick for me to make and the kids had a lot of fun participating.  

Last weekend I went up to Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah.  Andy and I checked out this beautiful lake area at The Hills and attended Southern Utah's first football game! Was a great weekend and much cooler weather than Vegas!

Happy Weekend!! 

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1 comment:

  1. Your power points remind me that I need to use more of those again! Great post!
