18 August 2016

Five for Friday - August 19

Phew...what a week it has been! I forgot how crazy that week leading up to school can be!! I've had teacher trainings, meetings, and classroom set-up all week! I'll be honest, I'm definitely looking forward to no alarm clock tomorrow and sleeping in!! I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to share what I've been up to this crazy, busy week!

My OCD heart loved these markers! So as part of set-up, it was also school supply time! This box was marker heaven! I love that now they have more options than the typical 8 that used to come in the marker boxes.

This Wednesday I had my last blog entry for  my Writing Workshop Wednesday's series.  In this blog entry, I showed one way I spotlight students work.  Check out that post - here.

Here is the before picture.  I was very lucky this year that I got to pretty much keep most of my room as is.  I taught summer school which is why I didn't have to take down many things.  We also got brand new desks this year for students.  They're really neat. They have an iPad holder at the top of the desk, which will be nice for research and products. Stay tuned for my classroom reveal on Wednesday.

We had a teacher luncheon this week. Check out these cute cookies they made us! So adorable and delicious too!

In addition to class set-up and back-to-school meetings during teacher week, we also had two trainings.  On Wednesday, we had a Writing Workshop training. And, yesterday we were trained for a fourth day on CGI (Cognitively Guided Instruction). We learned some awesome new math games we can play with our students.

Thank you for checking out my post! Today is Meet the Teacher - so it's a big day! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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