01 July 2016

Five for Friday - July 1

Hard to believe that the first month of summer has already flown by and it is now July 1.  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another week of Five for Friday.  Check out what I've been up to on my summer break! Warning...will be some teacher stuff and some house stuff for the next few weeks. I've taken some breaks from working on teaching items and have been working on setting up our house. While we did move in early April, the end of the school year got in the way of really getting it set up how we want.  Anyways...here's what I've been up to....

I think I finally have our great room set up how I like it. And, how my husband likes it.  Next step is getting some pictures hung and hanging the TV on the wall.  We're starting to get somewhere with this room.

So sorry for the blurry computer picture. I'm almost done with the first part of my Charlie and the Chocolate Factory bundle. I finished up the Charlie Check-Ins (Quizzes) today and still need to finish the book study questions and writing prompts.  Stay tuned...this will be in my TPT store in the next week or so.

Yesterday I was on a bit of a Growth Mindset kick. One of my teacher friends had posted the anchor chart above on Facebook. It was created by teachers at Fieldcrest Elementary. I thought it was fantastic! We use Growth Mindset in my school and all year we worked on changing our language.  Instead of kids saying it's too hard or I don't get it, we started trying to say I don't get it yet... Which goes into my next Growth Mindset share.  Class Dojo has a YouTube channel with awesome Growth Mindset videos.  They are very short, but awesome explanations in kid friendly language. My students loved seeing what Mojo and Katie were up to.  You can check out the Class Dojo YouTube channel here.

Earlier this week I blogged about some of my favorite Fun Friday ideas here.  I love using Fun Friday as a reward in the classroom. Do you use it in your school? Do you have some awesome activity ideas to share? If so, share in the comments! I love to add new ideas each year to our Fun Friday activity rotation.

As you can tell from my screenshot, I stole this cool picture from Polka Dots Please. I love this! I am a napper. I can nap any day of the week. And I'm an amazing napper. Like I can nap easily for 2-3 hours. Now, I'm not the most fun or enjoyable to be around when I get up from a nap, but that's another story. I thought this picture was so cute and shared it with my husband who is not the napping fan I am.

Have a great holiday weekend. Happy early 4th of July!

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1 comment:

  1. I am an expert napper as well! One of my favorite parts about summer break!
