22 May 2016

Theme Week Fun

For the last few years, I've used a Theme Week during the last week of school.  It's a fun way to end the year, do some fun activities with the kids, and it's also a good way to help maintain behavior that last week of school.  We do our theme activity at the end of the day for the last 30 minutes to an hour depending on the activity.  The reason I have it at the end of the day is so I can use it as a reward for behaving throughout the day.  Now, I know it sounds a little bribe-ish.  However, the last few weeks are hard...and we need every tool available to us lol...

Monday - On Monday, we're having a mini pizza party in the afternoon.  We've been working on Sweet Integration's Project Based Learning - Opening a Pizzeria.  You can find it in her shop here...  The kids have had so much fun working on a pizzeria concept, name, slogan, etc. So a mini pizza party is a great way to celebrate their hard work.

Tuesday - Reading Party - Kids get to bring in pillows, blankets, stuffed animals and have a little reading party in the classroom.  This is often a very peaceful activity!

Wednesday - Game Day - Kids can bring in a board or card game from home. I always have fun playing the games with them. It's a great way to make some more memories!

Thursday - Movie Day - We just finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so we will be watching the movie (the older version) and enjoying some yummy popcorn.

Friday - Summer Kick-Off - Our school PTA is amazing. They plan this whole water day outside with the hamster balls, blow up things, and many other crazy water items. The kids always have a blast. Before we go out for water day, we'll do our last morning meeting (cue the tears), watch our end of the year iMovie slideshow, and I'll hand out candy awards.  

Here's a copy of my note that I send to the parents....
Hope everyone has a great last week, great week, or great summer week (depending on where you are at in your school schedule)!

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