21 August 2013

Work In Progress - Classroom Update - Day #5

So, I'm to the exhausted, delirious point that all teachers reach at some point during back to school set up. The other day I literally was walking around with the stapler in my hand trying to find my stapler.  I think we've all had moments like that :-).  Today we only had a few hours in the afternoon to work in our classrooms after many hours of school professional development.  Here's the current state - I'm almost ready to take the work in progress label off of it.  After five days (not full days) of work....

The beginnings of my new bucket filling area.

Clip Chart all hung up and ready to go!

View from the door of my classroom.  Trying to get all the "stuff" put away.

My MVP Board - then it'll be the kiddos turn as the weeks go on.

My desk area. I always like to put up some personal pictures and old school pictures - not sure why this picture turned out so blurry.

My new lesson plan bins. Saw this idea on Pinterest and decided to try it out for storing daily materials.

View from the front of my classroom.
Almost done and I need to be because school starts Monday and we have an all day training off site tomorrow. Anyways - bedtime for me!

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